Top Reasons Why Keynote Artist Richard Hight Is The Ideal Opening Or Memorable Closing Speaker For Your Next Main Stage Event
Authority – Vast credentials make him a natural choice for companies around the globe seeking expertise on strategies to Create/Disrupt/Differentiate. He provides the mindset that challenges assumptions and goes beyond traditional ideas.
Visually Stunning/Captivating – Within minutes skilled hands apply to a large canvas creating an image that illustrates the core values or theme of your event. A compelling keynote follows.
Tailored Presentation – You won’t get a canned keynote. Richard takes the time to get to know your organization, audience and objectives then he tailors his delivery to resonate with your crowd.
Innovation – A charismatic keynote speaker with insightful perspectives, your audiences will find his engaging, compelling, anything but ordinary presentations unforgettable! (No powerpoint slide show!)
Entertaining – Richard has found that audiences learn best when he delivers his interactive keynotes with laugh out loud humor and fresh ideas.
Consistency – He consistently receives post event top rating (exceeding all expectations) evaluations and positive recommendations from meeting planners.
Relatability – His core message encourages and motivates audiences to find their innate skills and to appreciate those others possess, then connect and collaborate on deeper levels leading to better productivity and cohesiveness.
No Drama/Easy To Work With – Richard won’t issue outrageous demands or Diva-worthy requests. He (and his entire office) strives to be accommodating, professional and easy to work with at every turn. He’s there to serve you.
Relevance – Not another “Rah-Rah” speaker. Richard inspires his audiences with provoking questions and relevant content. Guests leave passionate about their purpose, strategically empowered to see new possibilities and achieve goals.

Bonus Value – At the conclusion of the event you get to keep the original art work to display, donate to a local charity or even raffle off – plus, it makes a great photo-op backdrop for attendees!!
You will get the standing ovation for bringing Richard to your event!